
Global database of company financial reports and incorporation documents

Download company data from 16 countries in 2 minutes.

How it works

Query company data from official data sources with one request.

Built on the GBS Data Exchange, G-BRIS transfers only un-modified official documents from the registration authority of the company’s jurisdiction.

  • 01. Query documents from 16 official data sources
  • 02. Select all relevant documents for bulk download
  • 03. Pay with credit card (PCI compliant)
  • 04. Receive documents via e-mail

Benefit from the GBS Data Exchange

Validated documents

Query only official data from local business registry or other registration authority.

16 juristictions

GBS Data Exchange is integrated with 16 registration authorities.

Secured payments

Purchase documents from one service provider with 4 clicks and pay securely with your card.

No registration

Quick purchase without creating user account or procurement service contract.

Fast processing

If instant delivery of documents is not possible, documents are sent within 24 hours.

Customer service

Personal client manager assigned to each order.

Use cases

Business Research and Analysis

G-BRIS is trusted for business research and analysis, providing company financial and incorporation documents. Users gain industry insights and enhance their competitive edge. G-BRIS also supports evaluation of potential suppliers and customers, fostering reliable partnerships.

Investment and Financial Decision-Making

Investors and financial institutions rely on G-BRIS for assessing investment opportunities and managing risk. Individuals make informed personal investment decisions, while institutions conduct credit risk assessments and due diligence. G-BRIS facilitates confident, data-driven financial decisions.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Legal professionals, accountants, and compliance officers trust G-BRIS to access company financial documents and articles of association, ensuring regulatory adherence. Mergers and acquisitions specialists also use G-BRIS to evaluate potential targets and assess deal suitability.

What data do we provide?

By offering unaltered, authentic records sourced directly from official business registries, G-BRIS ensures that you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information about a company’s operations and financial health.

Company Structure and Governance

Access a wide range of documents that provide information about a company’s structure and governance, such as articles of association, registry cards, company registration extracts, and incorporation documents. These records offer insights into the formation, policies, and organization of a company.

G-BRIS offers essential financial documents, including annual reports, financial statements, and company extracts. These records provide a comprehensive overview of a company’s financial performance, allowing users to analyze the financial health and stability of the business.

Explore detailed records related to a company’s ownership and management, such as beneficial owners, list of shareholders, persons holding significant control, current officers, and group structure information. These documents reveal crucial information about the people and entities involved in the management and control of a company.

Pricing & coverage

Annual report with financial statements  15.00

Articles of Association / Rules / Statute  10.00

Full official extract from the business registry (chronological extract)  10.00

Full official extract from the business registry (current information)  10.00

Full official extract from the business registry (historical information)  10.00

List of shareholders  10.00


Contact us

Please include order reference number for inquiries. We will reply within 2 working days.

Questions & answers

G-BRIS ensures the accuracy and authenticity of the documents by sourcing them directly from official business registries and registration authorities in each respective country. This guarantees that the information provided is both up-to-date and reliable, as it comes straight from authoritative sources.

G-BRIS has access to official business registries in 16 jurisdictions, which include Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, India, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Portugal, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. These jurisdictions span across Europe and Asia, allowing users to access a diverse range of company documents.

Yes, the documents provided by G-BRIS are available in multiple languages when offered by the respective official registers. If the official register issues documents in different languages, G-BRIS will also offer them in those languages. The availability of specific documents in different languages may vary depending on the jurisdiction.

G-BRIS accepts payments through well-known global credit card payment providers, ensuring a secure and seamless transaction process. The use of these trusted payment providers ensures PCI compliance, adding an extra layer of security for our users. We do not handle any credit card data ourselves, further safeguarding your sensitive information.

The delivery time for the purchased documents depends on the specific document and jurisdiction. In cases where instant delivery is possible, you will receive the document immediately. If instant delivery is not possible, G-BRIS guarantees that the documents will be sent to your email within 24 working hours.

If you encounter any issues with the documents you received or the payment process, please contact your assigned client manager as soon as possible. They will work diligently to address your concerns and resolve the issue quickly, ensuring a smooth and satisfactory experience with G-BRIS.

No, G-BRIS only provides the documents that are listed on our website, as these are the ones we have access to from the official business registries in each respective jurisdiction.

If you need assistance prior to making an order, you can reach G-BRIS through the methods listed on our “Contact Us” page. Our support team will be happy to help with any questions or concerns you may have. 

If you need assistance with an order that you have already made, your assigned client manager will respond within 24 hours during workdays, usually much sooner. They will provide personalized support to ensure a smooth and efficient resolution to any issues you may encounter.

GBS Data Exchange is a centrally managed data exchange layer between information systems that offers a standardized method for accessing financial market information from various jurisdictions. It incorporates a wide range of data sources, including private local entities, global entities like GLEIF, and official local sources such as local business registries. The platform streamlines the process of consuming and sharing financial data, making it easier for businesses, investors, and other stakeholders to access critical information from multiple sources in a consistent and reliable manner.